Frankie Grande biography, movies and TV shows, net worth, height, Career, philanthropy

frankie grande movies and tv shows

Frankie Grande biography, movies and TV shows, net worth, height, Career, philanthropy

Frank James Michael Grande Marchione is a versatile American artist known for his talents in dance, acting, singing, producing, hosting television shows, and content creation on YouTube.

In this article, we will take a look at Frankie Grande biography, net worth, movies and Tv shows and other facts about him

About Frankie Grande

Full Name: Frankie Grande

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: January 24, 1983

Place of Birth: New York City, U.S.

Profession: Actor, T.V. host, Content Creator

Height: 5 feet 7 inches

Weight: 66kg

Nationality: American

Net Worth: $1.5 Million

Early Life and Education

Frank Grande, born in New York City, is the son of Victor Marchione and Joan Grande, the chief executive officer of the telephone and alarm system company Hose-McCann Communications.

Raised in Englewood, New Jersey, Frankie moved with his mother to Boca Raton, Florida, at 10, where he attended Pine Crest School. His involvement in musicals began in the fifth grade, sparking his passion for performance. Frankie’s half-sister is the renowned singer and actress Ariana Grande, and he has a half-brother named James Marchione.

He completed his education at Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania in 2005, graduating with triple majors in biology, theatre, and dance. Initially considering medical school, he opted for a year-long hiatus to pursue his passion for theatre.

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