Biography of Coby White, dad, net worth, girlfriend, salary, height

coby white dad

Biography of Coby White, dad, net worth, girlfriend, salary, height

Coby White is a basketball famous basketball player.  Coby White dad was the first person to put a basketball in Coby’s hands.

Within the vast basketball landscape, Coby White stand out as shining examples of skill, tenacity, and potential. His inspiring story moves from the small courts of his childhood to the NBA’s main arena.

About Coby White

  • Full Name: Alec Jacoby “Coby” White
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: February 16, 2000
  • Place of Birth: Goldsboro, North Carolina.
  • Profession: Basketball Player
  • Girlfriend: Danyelle Williams
  • Nationality: American
  • Height: 6 ft 5 in
  • Weight: 88kg
  • Children: unknown
  • Net worth: $15 million.

Early Life and Education

Coby White was born February 16, 2000  in Goldsboro, North Carolina. His father, Donald, was a basketball player for North Carolina Central, thus he grew up in an athletic home. unfortunately died of liver cancer in 2017.

Coby completed his high school education at Greenfield School. In addition, he spent four years playing basketball at North Carolina Central College.

White decided to enroll at the University of North Carolina (UNC) after reaching high school achievement. The university environment emphasised his commitment to academic endeavours while also offering a venue for additional basketball growth.

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